Join JBN SF and our friends at Emanu-El and PJ Library for Tu B’Shevat at Mountain Lake Park! Rabbi Carla Fenves and the very talented Mimi Greisman will lead us in a special outdoor Tu B’Shevat celebration and Havdalah in beautiful Mountain Lake Park. Tu B’Shevat, the 15th of Shevat in the Jewish calendar, is the day that marks the beginning of a “new year” for trees. Together, with our little ones under age 5, we will appreciate the beauty of nature and Shabbat and usher in the new week. To celebrate the birthday of the trees, we will read tree books, sing tree songs and plant seeds together.
This is a free event, but you can register here so we know you’re coming. There will be snacks, goody bags, crafts, music and a whole lot of fun! We hope you and your family join us!
We will be meeting at a table in the picnic area near the play structure at 12th Avenue. For more information you can follow this link.