San Francisco

Birthday of the Trees

Sun, Feb 9, 2025
10:00 am - 11:30 am (PT)
Conservatory of Flowers, Golden Gate Park
100 John F Kennedy Dr, San Francisco, CA 94118 Map
Holiday Celebration

*Birthday* *Fun* *Trees* *Community* *Music*

Gather with JBN families for a morning celebration of all that grows at the historic San Francisco Conservatory of Flowers. Connect with community and learn about Tu B’shvat — the birthday of the trees! Bring a blanket and a sense of adventure!

The suggested donation for this event is $18 to help cover costs. No one is turned away, so please give what you can.

We know babies can be unpredictable, so please show up when you can! You do not need to be a member of any organization to attend this event.

Registration is appreciated but not required. Registration helps us plan and be in

Questions day of? You can reach Jeni on her cell phone, 415.336.1992.