
Jewish Birth Prep Workshop

Sun, Nov 7, 2021
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm (PT)
Online Via Zoom
Birth Prep Workshop

Learn about rituals during pregnancy, labor and delivery, choosing a Hebrew or Jewish name, circumcision/bris, naming and welcoming ceremonies, Jewish perspectives on parenting and more.

This class will be facilitated by JBN Director Carol Booth, JBN Program Manager and doula Jennifer Altman, along with other rabbis and lay leaders. Become informed and make friends.


If you are interested in learning more, connect with the Jewish Baby Network or contact Director Carol Booth at

Honeymoon Israel
Honeymoon Israel is a Jewish organization that provides trips to Israel for couples with at least one Jewish partner. Spend nine exhilarating, romantic and memorable days exploring Israel, while building friendship and community with other couples from the Bay Area. For more information see or email

Class Philosophy
The Jewish Baby Network is committed to providing information in a non-judgmental manner. It is our intention to educate parents about the traditions, rituals and resources, and it is up to each parent to decide how much or little to incorporate into their family’s life.


**Zoom link will be sent out 30 minutes prior to the event**
Jewish Baby Network welcomes everyone, including LGBTQ, single and multi parent, multifaith, multiethnic, multiabled, and unaffiliated families.
Cosponsored by Congregations Beth Am, Beth Jacob, Kol Emeth, Or Shalom, Sherith Israel, and the PJCC.
Major Funding provided by The Koret Foundation, Rodan Family Foundation, Natan Giving Circle, Leslie Family Foundation and the Jeff Astor Foundation.
Jewish Baby Network is a program of Jewish Family and Children’s Services’ Center for Children and Youth.