
“Ice Cream Sunday” Shavuot Celebration

Sun, May 16, 2021
10:30 am - 11:15 am (PT)
Online Via Zoom
Holiday Celebration

Wear a beautiful flower crown, bring some dairy treats and get ready to Celebrate Shavuot! Together we will celebrate the giving of the Torah and our “First Fruits.” In ancient times, the Israelites would journey to the Temple in Israel to celebrate the “first fruits” of their harvest.

With Jen Altman and Carol Booth from Jewish Baby Network, Alison Levy from Peninsula Temple Beth El, Candace Goodwin from the East Bay JCC, Jeni Clancy from the Peninsula Jewish Community Center, and Aliza Golshani of PJ Library.

We welcome everyone, including unaffiliated, single and multi-parent, multi-faith, multi abled, and LGBTQ families. We have over 1000 connected families and are growing. Join us!

This event is free, but please consider a $10 donation to help support all of our wonderful programs. We know babies can be unpredictable, so please log on when you can!

Cosponsored by Congregations Beth Am, Beth Jacob, Kol Emeth, Or Shalom, Sherith Israel, and the PJCC.

Major Funding provided by the Rodan Family Foundation.

Jewish Baby Network is a program of Jewish Family and Children’s Services’ Center for Children and Youth.