Learn about rituals during pregnancy, labor and delivery, choosing a Hebrew or Jewish name, circumcision/bris, naming and welcoming ceremonies, Jewish perspectives on parenting and more. Parents expecting via surrogacy and adoption welcome!
This class will be facilitated by JBN Director Carol Booth, MAEd, along with JBN staff, local rabbis and lay leaders. Become informed and make friends. All participants receive an online folder of materials. This is an interactive workshop with opportunities to share in small and large groups. Breakout rooms are organized by location, so the people in your breakout room are likely to live near you.
Honeymoon Israel is our workshop co-sponsor. Honeymoon Israel’s mission is to provide immersive trips to Israel for locally based cohorts of couples that have at least one Jewish partner, early in their committed relationship, creating communities of couples who are building families with deep and meaningful connections to Jewish life and the Jewish people.
Class Philosophy: Jewish Baby Network is committed to providing information in a non-judgmental manner. It is our intention to educate parents about the traditions, rituals and resources, and it is up to each parent to decide how much or little to incorporate into their family’s life.