With Jewish Baby Network & PJ Library
Sunday, June 28, 10:30 – 11:15 am on Zoom!
JBN Puppeteer and Musician Jennifer Altman
JBN Director Carol Booth
SF Manager Alyssa Zagorie
*Puppet Fun* *Songs* *Music* *Movement* *Connections*
Grab your puppets and stuffies and join us! Everyone is welcome! Please invite friends and family from near and far to join you!
Please come as a family. This will be a participatory experience for the whole family and include a parent check in session.
Bring a favorite puppet or stuffy to share the experience along with rattles, shakers, and instruments if you like.
We welcome everyone, including unaffiliated, single and multi parent, multi faith, multi racial, multi abled, and LGBTQ families.
Click here to register and receive the Zoom link to join us!