East Bay

Tot Shabbat in the Park

Fri, Jul 7, 2023
5:30 pm - 7:00 pm (PT)
Shorebird Park
160 University Ave Berkeley, CA 94710 Map
Shabbat Celebration

*Music* *Puppets* *Blessings* *Challah* *Juice*

Join Jen Altman from JBN for a Shabbat by the bay at Beautiful Shorebird Park near the Marina. Light candles, sing songs, pray with puppets, and dance with scarves as we welcome in Shabbat. Bring a picnic dinner. Challah and juice provided.

This event is free, but please consider a $10 donation to help support all of our wonderful programs. We know babies can be unpredictable, so please show up when you can!

You do not need to be a member of any organization to attend this event.

We will be taking photos at our events for future publicity and images will be used without names. If you prefer not to participate, please tell a Jewish Baby Network staff person at the event.

Registration is appreciated but not required. Registration helps us plan and be in touch in case anything changes. Questions day of? You can reach Jen on her cell phone, 510.982.6801.