
Canceled: Rosh Hashanah Birthday of the World

Sun, Sep 18, 2022
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm (PT)
Briones Park
600 Arastradero Road Palo Alto, CA 94306P Map
Holiday Celebration

*Singing* *Dancing* *Puppets* *Stories* *Blessings*

Bring a blanket and join JBN’s Carol Booth and our friends from Congregations Kol Emeth and Beth Am for our free Rosh Hashanah Birthday of the World Party, with apple snacks, round challah, and “honey” (agave for the little ones). Meet us in Briones Park at the picnic tables near the train in the tot play area.

This event is free, but please consider a $10 donation to help support all of our wonderful programs. We know babies can be unpredictable, so please show up when you can!

You do not need to belong to any organization to attend.

Kol Emeth Beth Am